Note : This post is a part of the Guest Post Series.
A minor setback kept me away for a little from the blog. Now that I am a wee-bit more confident that things outside the blog can be set right, I am back to doing what I like doing the most - forcing you all to momentarily pause your furiously paced life, and make you think about things that would never ever prove useful to anyone. Here is a guest post that has been laying dormant with me for a long, long time, waiting to be introduced by me.
Balaganesh was my bench-mate in my first day of college. "Hi, I am Balaganesh. My friends call me Bala". For some indecipherable reason, I pointedly addressed him as Ganesh for a few days until I realized that he wouldn't respond to anything other than Bala. He did eventually become one of my better friends. Bala is known for his sense of humour. We all need someone who is willing to play themselves down for the entertainment of others. Bala is one such person. Lots and lots of people feel good about themselves by teasing him, and he lets them -- most of the time. To be fair to them, Bala can be irritating, especially when his attempted jokes are terrible. But sometimes (the success rate is quite low) they come off, with hilarious effect. When asked to submit an assignment in Genetics, the whole class wanted to submit print-outs. Our lecturer was adamant, and wanted it to be hand-written. "OK, no print-outs. At least Xerox, madam?", he quipped.
Underneath all this, Bala is quite a serious person. A lot of things make him angry. But most of all, that his very good knowledge in politics and current affairs go ignored makes him furious at most people. And Bala reads a lot too. As far as I know, he started reading English novels quite late (but he has been reading in Tamil for long), but devours them hungrily to keep up. Around the time I started to blog, he too started his own blog, and we had an unspoken competition between us. He would write random snippets and send them to me, and as he kept writing, he kept improving. Ignoring some punctuation, there are some enviably well-written snippets, but they are so random that nothing can be made out of them. My favorite piece of writing by him is The King and the Truth, a fine piece of historical fiction. A more suitable example of the randomness in his writing is this. I expected such a post from Bala, but he decided to write a movie review. And on that note, I finally managed to catch up with Interstellar yesterday. The science is beyond me, but I connected with the movie emotionally on so many levels and I loved it for that.
Interstellar and my 120 Bucks
What is a science fiction?
The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.
The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.
–Arthur C Clarke
To evolve base science, futuristic
novel ideas in to next level, pushing the boundaries of logic all the while
keeping foot on the ground.
In short, Imagination with or with in
the grasp of logic is science fiction.
What is wrong with the movie?
Nothing is wrong with the movie.
And I have nothing against Nolan; In fact
I am a die-hard fan of the Dark Knight series and Prestige, I haven’t watched
Inception though, but have heard the same annoying clichés from friends,
“Wow whatta movie, I had to watch it 5 times to understand, how can a person
think like this” etc.., and I decided against watching it.
So, when people who hardly watch or
read science fiction speak about ground breaking ideas, new physics Nolan has
come up with the movie (Yeah Righttt…); I am like “had physics always been so primitive before Nolan started making
movies”, because Space-time continuum, Gravitational Singularities and
probable worm holes are the grounds on which any DC or Marvel comic and real
ground breaking movies such as the highly acclaimed and unknown to today’s Nolanites
such as Akira, 2001:A Space Odyssey, The Solaris or even The
Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy (People perceive it only as comedy which
itself a tragedy) are built upon, so it’s not new level of thinking
for many of my friends and me, and I’m naturally and quite rightly annoyed.
The movie itself is a delight with the delicate
emotional quotient shouldered by Matthew Mcconaughey, Mackenzie Foy (Little
Murph), and Jessica Chastain (Murph grown up), excellent if not grand music by
Hans Zimmer (The constant hum of Grandeur), thankfully not in latex-Anne
Hathaway (Highly Distracting in latex and leather :P:P :) ), Michael Caine who
wasn’t used as much as he should have been and last but not the least the TARS
and CASE robots weren’t a humanoid but had humor which was kind of cool and
awesome, lazed with great lines, Kudos to that. But they too are replicas with
improvements from a lot other Sci-Fi’s (I’ll give Nolan the benefit of doubt
for not saturating the idea)
Now anyone can see the potential of
this cast, I’d say their presence in itself guarantees Oscar nominations, so
when someone says great acting and music, no surprises there.
Note: I refrain from commenting on specific sentiment
scenes as I’m prone to giving up the main plot, not that it has many twists,
but below this I may not be extending the same courtesy for science will always
be science. And if you have not seen the movie by now I assume you ain’t so
keen a Nolanite.
In terms of Science-Fiction:
“What had happened is also yet
to happen, what will happen in the future though; had already happened”
*And also happening right
The amazing
and widely acclaimed visual effect/treat of the Black hole in fact has
over-shadowed the most incredible notion and complexity of the movie. The simultaneity of time, if you
watch it closely you will know it never was about time travel but about events
occurring simultaneously, it was refreshing to see that Nolan didn’t point it
out as in many other Sci-fis but trusted the audience to figure it. Matthew
who has travelled in to the space is already present in his daughter’s bedroom
but also in the future (Namesake) which also is the past (Namesake).
Awesomeness of science has been barred by the stunning
illustration and effects of the Black hole
The place
where he ends up is with time as a physical dimension, one can simply take a
stroll and end up in his past or into the future, though grandfather paradox
would prevent any physical interaction that might impact the events happened/happening. Nolan bypasses it conveniently with Gravity. But all these wonders of physics
have been sidelined by the glory of the black hole.
Yet, if I were allowed to be brutally
honest for a minute I’d say “it is an overrated Sci-fi, every idea in this
movie has been already experimented upon, in better and flawless movies”.
We all want our heroes to win, we want
all the movies we watch to have happy endings, so naturally laws of physics and
logic is betrayed in the script (hardly the qualities you will want in a
genuine Sci-Fi), no one (Including Nolan and Kipp) can explain how the three
planets are compatible to life in any sense without a nourishing star near but
with a black hole (you don’t need a masters to spot this) and the exaggerated
effects of relativity like slowing down of time ratios, yes this is intriguing
to common minds but to create a perfect sci-fi we’d have expected better
explanations than gravity, especially with Kipp thorne by his sides.
The only new idea however preposterous,
(I will reserve my comments on that) is the suggestion that Love might be a
great power which we haven’t really have tried to explore on, by which Nolan is
suggesting how Captain cooper ends up being able to help his daughter (It took
me great effort to not reveal this scene, though I doubted the possibility when
the movie decided to tread upon space-time distortions)
And what finally broke my resolve to
not be annoyed or write a review on this movie is when Mathew Mcconaughey
ejects (The computer actually screams “EJECT”, LOL….)
and survives from a spaceship being torn apart in to shreds by the gravity of
the black hole inside the blackhole, seriously what the hell is
that. Oooops spoiler :P:P
It’s a great movie, but overrated and with a lot of facts gone
wrong (Quite common when imagination is mixed with science, so it’s fine and
forgivable in many places) and with fans who worship Nolan and talk non-stop in
theatres and clap for not so great scenes while missing the real good ones
(Unforgivable), is annoying to real Sci-fi readers and watchers.
PS: Black holes are being depicted as friendly and life
-nourishing in the movie which is the best(or worse) humor I stumbled upon in
the last couple of years :P:P (LMAO)
Title from RJ Balaji’s take it easy with Balaji and Arthur C Clarke for the